Thursday 13 September 2012

Life stood still

August 12, 2012

5:40 pm - My healthy father goes for his evening walk.
6:09 pm - That fateful call from a stranger telling us dad fainted.
6:29 pm - Dad's admitted to hospital; no heartbeat, no pulse; he's cold when he's wheeled into emergency.
6:34 pm - The doctors tell Raj and Nam that dad has all but gone - mum and I don't know this yet, we were still hoping, hoping. The doctors said it was
 a sudden massive cardiac arrest; they were trying to revive him.
7:29 pm - After exhausting all they could do, they told us dad had gone. His passing was immediate, the moment my healthy father fell, just fell.
Dear God, 31 days today, and that timeline is etched so clearly, the scenes so real, even now - doctors and nurses flying in and out of emergency, us holding onto each other, family in the lobby, neighbours, business associates - disbelief.

31 days today and we're still no closer to accepting or understanding why God, why did you take my healthy daddy away! My daddy, the giver, that's what people called him, the giver who gave unconditionally.
So many people told us all that you did for them, daddy. Love you, miss you, rest in peace eternal, daddykins.

This timeline has been tattooed on my spirit in this life. I am a spiritualist but all my spiritual beliefs and learning have taken a backseat.

Fact is, the only truth of life is birth and death - everything in between makes for all our experiences, which our soul has to go through in order to fulfill its karmic duty on earth.

The physical part of me, the girl at this level, here, has questions. The spiritual part of me, the part of me I connect with when I meditate, is more accepting. That part is sad too, but accepting.

Still, when the angel of death comes calling nothing, and I mean nothing prepares us for the magnanimity of human loss. The only solace from death, is that this isn't the end; we're all a part of one spirit, one great spirit, and someday, we'll meet. Till then, we're here fulfilling our karmic duty, while our dearly departed are happy, safe, and at eternal peace in a land we shall all go to one day.

Love and peace, everyone...

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